Quality system

Continuous improvement of product quality is the philosophy of our business, the key to improving the competitiveness of products and guarantee of sustainable profits.

In order to ensure the stable quality of hardware products, improve the competitiveness of enterprises and customer satisfaction, the company has established and implemented a quality management system (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9000 series.

Stages of QMS development and implementation:


In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 20.05.98. №268 "On improving the competitiveness of domestic products" the management of the company decided to create a structural unit, the main focus of which was the management of the quality management system of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9000 series.

1999 -2000

Study of international standards of the 1994 version, specialists training in quality management system, study of ISO standards of the version 2000.


The management of R.U.E. "RMZ" made the decision on the development and implementation of quality management system "Design and manufacture of hardware products" in accordance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2001.

The policy and objectives in the field of quality of the enterprise, documented procedures describing the activities of departments in the quality management system R.U.E. "RMZ" were developed.


In December 2002, the quality management system "Design and manufacture of hardware products" was certified in the National system for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2001. Certificate of conformity no. BY/112 from 30.12.2002 (valid until 30.12.2008) was received.


The company took part in the competition for the Prize of the Ministry of industry for achievements in the field of quality, creation and introduction of highly efficient production management methods in accordance with the international ISO standards of 9000 series. Activity of the enterprise in the field of quality was recognized with the third Award of the Ministry of industry of Republic of Belarus. The enterprise was awarded a diploma and a special Cup.


The enterprise successfully passed repeated certification of QMS for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2001 and at the same time received the certificate on quality management system in the German system of TGA certification (valid till 30.12.2008).

In 2005 for introduction of highly effective techniques of management and on this basis ensuring manufacture of competitive production the enterprise became the laureate of the Prize of the Government for achievements in the field of quality.


The company has implemented an automated control system for QMS document management and internal audits on the basis of PTK "LotusNotes".

The decision was made to participate in competitions "Best products of the Republic of Belarus" and "Best products of the Republic of Belarus in the market of the Russian Federation".


Activity of the enterprise in the field of quality was recognized with the second Prize of the Ministry of industry of the Republic of Belarus in competition for achievements in the field of quality.

The enterprise with its production (construction nails) became the laureate of the competition " Best products of the Republic of Belarus 2007".


In December 2008 the management systems certification body BelGISS carried out a re-certification audit of the quality management system "Design and manufacture of hardware production" in the national system of conformity assessment of Belarus and the German accreditation system. The enterprise received certificates of conformity no. BY / 112 05.01.002 0185 and QMS – 00043 (valid from 30.12.2008 to 29-30.12.2011).

"ACADEM-SERT", the body for vehicles, their equipment, parts and quality management systems certification carried out certification of products (fasteners for machine-building application). Certificate of conformity no. BY / 112 03.06.049 00820 (valid from 12.06.2008 to 11.06.2011).

OS "PROMMASH" RF, the body for machine building products certification conducted the certification of the production (fasteners for general machine building application). Certificate of conformity no. РОСС BY.АЯ04.В17097 (valid from 19.03.2008 to 19.03.2011).

In the second half of 2008 production of the enterprise was awarded with a title of "Laureate" in the  competition "Best products of the Republic of Belarus".

R.U.E. "RMZ" took part in the competition for the Prize of Commonwealth of Independent States for achievements in the field of quality.


Quality Policy of R.U.E. "RMZ" for 2009-2011 was approved by the Director of the enterprise on January 31, 2009.

About 40 documents of the quality management system for compliance with the new version of STB ISO 9001-2009 standard have been updated.

In 2009, the company was awarded the title of Laureate in the competitions "Best products of the Republic of Belarus" and "Best products of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation".

The scope of R.U.E. "RMZ" trademark was extended to the following countries: Azerbaijan, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine.


The Mission and Vision of R.U.E. "RMZ" for 2010 – 2015 were developed and approved.

A plan of activities to be conducted by R.U.E. "RMZ" in the year of Quality has been developed and implemented.

"ACADEM-SERT" certification body conducted a certification audit of low-carbon steel wire. The scope of the compliance certificate has been extended.

Once again the enterprise was awarded the title of Laureate in the competition for the Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality, in the competitions "Best products of the Republic of Belarus" and "Best products of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation market".


In 2011 the company was awarded the Prize of the Ministry of industry of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality, "the Best goods of the Republic of Belarus" and "the Best goods of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation market".

The company received the title of Finalist in the 7th international quality tournament of Central and Eastern Europe. Since 2011 Rechickij metiznyj zavod is a member of the Quality Leaders Club.

The quality management system has successfully passed the next certification audit. The scope of the certificate of conformity was extended to the process of rendering services of hot dip galvanizing of pipes and metal structures.

Declaration of fasteners for compliance with the technical regulations of the Russian Federation "About the safety of machinery and equipment".

Identification bar codes application to the products shipped to the retail network has been implemented.



In 2012 the Quality Policy was updated. It is planned to participate in competitions "Best products of the Republic of Belarus" and "Best products of the Republic of Belarus in the market of the Russian Federation".


In 2012 the enterprise was once again awarded the title of the Laureate in the competitions "Best construction product", "Best products of the Republic of Belarus" and "Best products of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation", "Best exporter of the year".

The quality management system has successfully passed the inspection audit.

Declaration of fasteners for compliance with the technical regulations of the RB "Buildings and structures, construction materials and products. Security» was conducted.

The certificate of conformity for the girders of portal constructions for the roads contact network has been received.

The enterprise successfully passed the inspection of the state control committee for compliance with technical regulations and standards.


In 2013, the company was awarded the title of Laureate of the competition "Best construction product of the year", "Best products of the Republic of Belarus" and "Best products of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation".

Quality management system has successfully passed the regular inspection audit for the certified quality management system.

Declaration of fasteners for compliance with the technical regulations of the Republic of Belarus "Buildings and structures, construction materials and products. Security» has been conducted.

Rechickij metiznyj zavod has received the right to apply CE marking (Conformite Europeene-European compliance) on the manufactured products (construction nails Ø (2.0; 2.2; 2.4; 2.5; 2.7; 2.8; 3.0; 3.1; 3.2; 3.4; 3.5; 3.8; 4.0; 4.2; 4.5; 4.6; 5.0; 5.5; 6.0; 6.3; 7.0; 7.5; 7.6; 8.0) mm, and self-tapping screws Ø (3.0; 3.5; 4.0; 4.5; 5.0; 6.0) mm), which gives the right to sell products on the market of the European Union and documents the conformity of products to the European standard EN 14592:2008 + A1: 2012 while ensuring the safety of humans life, property and the environment. Product certification is carried out in the Engineering test center (Engineering Test Institute, Public Enterprise, Brno, Czech Republic) by the notified body of the European community.


In 2014 products of OAO RMZ became the Laureate of the competitions "Best products of the Republic of Belarus" and "Best products of the Republic of Belarus in the market of the Russian Federation". Compliance of the quality management system with the requirements is confirmed by a certificate of conformity, which validity was extended until December 30, 2017. The certificate of compliance for manufactured products (nails) was extended for a period up to 11th of July 2019.


For 2015 the participation of OAO "RMZ" in the competition for Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Prize of the Ministry of industry for achievements in the field of quality, creation and introduction of highly efficient production management methods in accordance with international standards was planned.

It is planned to extend the validity of the certificate of conformity for the manufactured product (steel wire).

The following OAO "RMZ" products were certified:

- General purpose low carbon steel wire;

- Fasteners;

- Nails;

- Steel water and gas pipes.


Rechiсkij metiznyj zavod gained the right to apply CE marking to manufactured products (self-tapping screw), which entitles to sell products on the market of the European Union and confirms the products compliance with the European standard EN 14566+A1:2010, while ensuring vital activity security, property and the environment.

The product “Hexagonal nut of accuracy class A” was awarded a winner's diploma in the nomination “Best construction material/product of the year”. The plant is a laureate of the "Best Exporter" competition in the "Metallurgy" nomination, awarded a diploma for high performance in production exports in 2016.


OAO Rechiсkij metiznyj zavod has successfully passed the certification audit for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015 and DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.


Quality management system in accordance with IATF 16949 was developed at the enterprise aimed at supplies of component parts for automobile and complex agricultural vehicles.

OAO Rechiсkij metiznyj zavod has gained a certificate of compliance with International Automotive Task Force (IATF 16949:2016). This document was issued on 30.05.2018 by OOO URS-RUS, Authorized representative of the certification body «United Registrar of Systems Ltd», subsequent to the results of the audit conducted in April 2018.

The product (multi-purpose wood screw) was awarded a winner’s diploma in the nomination of Best Construction Material / Product of the Year in the “Best construction product” competition.

In July 2018 a Technical Approval certifying materials and products suitability for application in construction on the territory of the Republic of Belarus was issued.

OAO RMZ participated in the “Best products of the Republic of Belarus” competition.


OAO RMZ became a laureate of the “Best products of the Republic of Belarus 2019” competition, in the nomination of “Industrial and technology products” (Drywall single thread self-tapping screw as per ТУ BY 400024166.010).

OAO RMZ became a winner of the “Best Construction Product of the Year 2019” in the nomination Best construction material (product) of the year, construction metal structures and products category (Drywall single thread self-tapping screw as per ТУ BY 400024166.010).

OAO RMZ was awarded a diploma of the republican competition “Best Exporter of the Year 2019” in the “Metallurgy” nomination.


A conformity certificate for wire with extended specification was received in the second half of the year that allows us to sell the manufactured products and to confirm it with quality certificate.

A GOST R Certificate was obtained for fastener production manufactured in accordance with GOST R 4014 and GOST R 4017 standards.

OAO RMZ was awarded a diploma of the republican competition “Best Exporter of the Year 2020” in the “Metallurgy” nomination.


OAO RMZ became a laureate of the “Best products of the Republic of Belarus 2021” competition, in the “Industrial and technology products” nomination (Hexagon head bolt of B accuracy class as per GOST 7798).

OAO RMZ was awarded a diploma of the republican competition “Best Exporter of the Year 2021” in the “Metallurgy” nomination.

An inspection audit of the quality management system of fasteners production for compliance with requirements of Technical Normative Legal Acts was conducted by ACADEMCERT in July 2021.

OAO RMZ participated in the competition for the Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality based on performance for 2021 and became a laureate for the 5th time.


OAO RMZ was awarded a diploma of the republican competition “Best Exporter of the Year 2022” in the “Metallurgy” nomination.

The factory passed external audits conducted by PAO KAMAZ for fulfillment of the requirements of IATF 16949, STB ISO 9001 standard.

In January 2022 the factory successfully passed the online audit inspection of the European company WÜRTH for confirming the competitive ability of OAO RMZ production on the markets of Far abroad countries.

Throughout the year 2022 the corporate system of electronic document flow “Galaktika ЕСМ on «DIRECTUM platform” was mastered.


The factory passed external audit of the company AO “AZ “URAL” for fulfillment of the requirements of IATF 16949, STB ISO 9001 standard.

A Technical Approval for screws, woodscrews and rawplug nails certifying materials and products suitability for application in construction on the territory of the Republic of Belarus was issued.

For a contact:

Head of quality management (QM) Department)
Kozachenko Tatiana 
+375 (2340) 50517

Deputy Director for Ideology and Quality
Dmitry Georgievich Lopatin 
+375 (2340) 62701
+375 (2340) 50526